A quick internet search for “career training Grand Rapids MI” will bring up many training options throughout West Michigan. Where do you begin? How do you find the right training program for you?
Before you dig deeper into training programs, here are a few questions to think about:
- What do you know about the type of work the program will prepare you for? Will it be a good fit for you?
- Are employers hiring for the job you’re training for?
- Is there a defined career path?
Here are some resources to help you answer these questions and plan your next steps:
Explore careeronestop.org to discover types of careers and what training they need. Some trainings are only weeks long, while others are a year or two.
If you’d like someone to walk alongside you during your training exploration, visit a West Michigan Works service center to talk with a career coach. They can help you find a training program that fits your career goals. Your career coach will also show you the 2019 HOT JOBS list, highlighting in-demand careers in West Michigan and which jobs have available training scholarships.
Explore Integrated Education and Training program opportunities online at https://www.westmiworks.org/iet/. These training programs help you earn a high school diploma or GED while getting the training and credentials for a career.
Better earning potential
With just a small amount of training, wages earned throughout a lifetime increase. For example: someone with a post-secondary certificate will earn an average of $38,700 per year. An associate degree earner will earn an average of $43,200 per year.
Certifications and training can open the door to many more opportunities throughout your working life. If you are looking for a satisfying career or you want to increase your earning potential, consider what training opportunities could help you achieve your goal.