workforce developement Board Application Process
West Michigan Works! is seeking applicants for appointment to our regional workforce board. WMW Staff will be collecting Workforce Development Board application submissions for the following sectors:
- Business/Private Sector (2)
Workforce Development Board Application submissions will be presented to the Executive Committee and ACSET Governing Board for final approval.
Interested applicants must fill out either the online form (link below) or download the fillable PDF application and attach to the form below. The committee will review applicants for alignment with WIOA regulations, geographic representation across the region and diversity requirements. If an appropriate number of applicants is not received, the application will be rereleased.
Applicants meeting nomination requirements and having the necessary support (see below) will be presented to the West Michigan Works! governing board for appointment. Appointments will be for two years and individuals may seek reappointment after their two-year term.
Letters of Support
WIOA requires that business representatives appointed to the local WDB have optimum policymaking and/or hiring authority. They should represent businesses—including small businesses—that provide employment opportunities in regional in-demand industry sectors or occupations. These representatives must also be supported or nominated by local business (e.g. chamber of commerce) or a trade organization/association. A letter of support or nomination from such an organization must accompany a business representative application.
Individuals representing workforce or labor organizations must provide a letter of support or nomination from a local labor federation. Individuals representing higher education or adult education may provide a letter of support or nomination from the Career Educational Advisory Committee (CEAC). To contact the CEAC for support please contact
For further guidance or questions, please contact
To submit a PDF application, please download the fillable form and save to your computer. The form must be saved on your computer before you can enter your information (NOTE: your information may be lost if you do not save the empty form to your computer before editing). After you have completed the application, please save the completed document as “FirstName_LastName WDB Application.” In the form below, select “yes” under “Are you submitting your application as a PDF?” Then, upload the completed PDF application and submit.