Start a Successful Career with an Apprenticeship
An apprenticeship is a paid work experience that includes on-the-job and classroom learning. Apprenticeships give workers the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in a high-demand job and the opportunity to pursue a career in a high-demand industry.
West Michigan Works! currently offers an apprenticeship program in health care. However, there are many more apprenticeship opportunities directly available with local employers.
How to Find Apprenticeships
Often, employers enter existing workers into their apprenticeship programs rather than hiring someone as an apprentice. Although you may not be able to walk into an apprenticeship on day one, get your foot in the door and show the employer you are worth investing in.
Take these steps to get started:
Search to determine what employers offer apprenticeships in the field you are interested in.
Find which of these employers is hiring on their company’s website, Pure Michigan Talent Connect or other job search websites like Indeed.
Apply for a position at the company, prove yourself by working hard and being positive, and then tell them you are interested in apprenticeship opportunities.
Learn more about apprenticeships from the US Department of Labor!
WMW! Apprenticeship Programs
West Michigan Works! apprenticeship programs are highly competitive with set application periods and program requirements. Here are some current healthcare apprenticeship program opportunities.
Surgical Technologist Registered Apprenticeship: Surgical technologists, also called operating room technicians, assist with operations. They prepare operating rooms, arrange equipment, and help doctors during surgeries. LEARN MORE
Medical Assistant Registered Apprenticeship (MARAP): Medical Assistants perform administrative and clinical duties. They schedule appointments, maintaining medical records, take vital signs and prepare patients for examinations. LEARN MORE
Early Care and Education Apprenticeship Program: Child Development Associate (CDA) holders can work as assistant teachers and caregivers in a childcare setting, advancing to lead teacher roles. Additional training and education can bring them on a path to preschool teachers, elementary education, along with director roles at childcare centers or schools. Fill out an interest form to be alerted when this program becomes available.
Early Care and Education Apprenticeship program
Are you an employer who would like to learn about apprenticeship development?
Visit our Apprenticeship Development page