From the CEO: Support Workforce Training
As it stands now, Michigan’s 2020 budget does not include funding for the Going PRO Talent Fund. The fund has provided critical support for employers who are in the midst …
As it stands now, Michigan’s 2020 budget does not include funding for the Going PRO Talent Fund. The fund has provided critical support for employers who are in the midst …
As the region’s workforce development agency, West Michigan Works! is dedicated to creating a diverse and qualified workforce. We do this by providing services that help companies recruit and retain …
The Going PRO Talent Fund awards grants to employers to assist in training, developing and retaining current and newly hired employees. The competitive application process opens September 12, 2019. These …
Firstronic, an electronic manufacturer based in Grand Rapids, assembles printed circuit boards for the medical, industrial, automotive and LED industries. The company has seen steady growth over the past seven …
Since 2013 they have applied for and received millions of Going Pro Talent Fund dollars. The Going Pro Talent Fund (previously Skilled Trades Training Fund) provides competitive awards for short-term …