Is your company interested in developing a registered apprenticeship program? Why do it alone?
Apprenticeships have been used to train labor and address critical talent needs for over 75 years. West Michigan Works! is now part of a statewide initiative to expand apprenticeship programs. By acting as a liaison with the US Department of Labor, we can help you build an apprenticeship program to meet your workforce needs.
Registered Apprenticeship Programs provide many benefits to employers, including: a pipeline of highly skilled workers, increased loyalty, increased productivity and lower turnover.
West Michigan Works! has Registered Apprenticeship Programs covering several occupations. Our current programs and those in development include:
Healthcare: Medical Assistant, Central Processing Sterilization Technician
Advanced Manufacturing: Industrial Maintenance Mechanic, Tool & Die*, CNC Machinist*
Information Technology: IT Support Technician*
*Program currently in development
By participating in one of our employer consortiums, you can enjoy the following benefits of working with us:
- We are your liaison with the Department of Labor making program development and administration seamless
- Collaboration with local community colleges and training providers to develop the best supporting curriculum with flexibility to your individual needs
- Connections with high school apprenticeship feeder programs and other community resources for development of a talent pipeline
- Recruitment and assessment of candidates so they are apprenticeship ready
- A forum to collaborate and share best practices with other employers in your industry
We’d like to hear from you about your apprenticeship needs! Contact Kelly Terpstra, Apprenticeship Success Coordinator, at or 616-389-8528