Our Virtual Services Can Help!
West Michigan Works! staff is eager to help West Michigan job seekers map out their careers and get back to work. We have quickly adjusted during COVID-19 pandemic to offer virtual services to give job seekers individualized attention and assistance.
A Variety of Virtual Services
Services available virtually include resume and interviewing workshops, virtual hiring events and individual counseling with a coach to help job seekers plan their next career move.
“Our talent development specialists can work one-on-one with job seekers to fine tune their resume and interview skills. We want to help individuals enter into their job search with confidence.”
– Abigail Stalker, talent solutions manager in Ionia and Montcalm counties
Training Opportunities to Become Work Ready
Michigan Works! staff rely on labor market information to identify careers that are in high demand. Training scholarships are available for many of these in-demand occupations and the agency works with local community colleges and other training providers to help job seekers acquire new technical skills.
Another virtual service offered, is the WorkReady workshop series. The online workshops are available to help job seekers focus on building the work skills (or soft skills) that employers are looking for. Understanding and using skills like communication, teamwork and time management can help job seekers stand out from the crowd. An online pre-assessment is available to help individuals decide which workshops to attend.
West Michigan Works! encourages job seekers to call 800-285-WORKS (9675) to speak with West staff about their career and employment needs. Whether it’s attending a virtual hiring event or workshop, practicing interviewing skills, or exploring training options, West Michigan Works! is passionate about getting people back to work.
“Employers are hiring, and we are standing by to guide those that need assistance,” said Stalker.