
What to expect at a hiring event

Hiring events are a great opportunity for job seekers to make personal connections with potential employers and showcase more than their resume. According to Kyle Tarkington, a business solutions representative, …

How do I deal with an employment gap on my resume

Throughout your lifetime, you might experience a period of unemployment because of family illness, childcare, schooling or another reason. While extended resume gaps might cause hiring managers to pause, it …

Career Pathways: Health Care

A career pathway is a plan that helps job seekers gain skills and move up within their field. Pathways help employees grow, take on new responsibilities, be more fulfilled and …

How Do I Find an Apprenticeship

In today’s economy, we regularly hear buzz words like “skilled trade shortages” and “low unemployment rate.” This means employers are hiring, right? Yes, they are! And they are looking for …

Interested in a new career?

People change careers for a variety reasons: career goals and values change; new interests are discovered; financial burdens increase; or priorities shift. If you’re considering a career change, here are …

How do I find training?

A quick internet search for “career training Grand Rapids MI” will bring up many training options throughout West Michigan. Where do you begin? How do you find the right training …