Jessica Kreason

Jessica Kreason began her career journey when she sought out West Michigan Works! and the state’s PATH program after applying for Family Independence Program (FIP) benefits through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Jessica’s first PATH orientation at West Michigan Works! Muskegon Service Center marked a pivotal step in starting over. She stopped in only two weeks after being released from incarceration to search for more than just a job. She was looking for a career, and needed support with basic needs such as housing, transportation and clothing.

While she was there, Jessica met her Career Coach Amy Simon. As they began working together weekly Amy noticed Jessica was focused on long-term solutions.

“I realized that not one time did Jessica use being justice-involved as a reason to stop seeking employment,” Amy shared. “She was driven to accomplish her goals and was always willing to do her part to receive the assistance she needed.”

Overcoming Jessica’s background meant continuing her education through adult education classes and leveraging her positivity, skills, education in business management and West Michigan Works!’ services.

“I am aware that my criminal history will stay with me forever, but I refuse to let it make me a different person or hold me down,” Jessica said.

Amy made sure of this too. Jessica got the job search assistance she needed through advocacy, assessments to explore her strengths and identify career goals, and resume and cover letter workshops. Amy also helped Jessica get the financial support she qualified for to help with basic needs.

Through her hard work and tenacity, Jessica secured a job with Reminder Media just one month after that first PATH orientation. During that interview process, Jessica was worried about passing the background check. She was honest with her employer about being justice-involved, and her effective communication led her to a new career.

Jessica found immediate success at Reminder Media by breaking a company sales record in her first week. After two promotions, Jessica now works as an account executive with plans to further her education.

“I feel good about my career goals and direction, and I appreciate the support and services from West Michigan Works!,” Jessica shared.