Tag: Ottawa

Leadership Styles Workshop (Virtual)

You don’t have to be a manager to be a leader. You might be asked in an interview what your leadership style is; be prepared to answer that question. This VIRTUAL workshop will discuss the six different leadership styles by Daniel Goleman and will help you determine what style of leader you are. 

Leadership Styles Workshop (Virtual)

You don’t have to be a manager to be a leader. You might be asked in an interview what your leadership style is; be prepared to answer that question. This VIRTUAL workshop will discuss the six different leadership styles by Daniel Goleman and will help you determine what style of leader you are. 

WR: Time Management and Punctuality

In this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …

Intro to Resume in Spanish

¿Cuentas con una Hoja Laboral o Curriculum vitae?  En muchas ocasiones creemos que no necesitamos realizar dicho documento.  Sin embargo, en este país puede ser indispensable para poder obtener mejores …

WORKREADY: Adaptability

In this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …


In this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …

Workready: Responsibility

In this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …

WORKREADY: Innovation

In this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …

Intro to Cover Letter

This 1.5 hour  lab is designed for individuals interested in creating a cover letter to connect with employers.  Staff will be on-hand throughout the class offering tips and suggestions on …

Intro to Resume

Take your resume to the next level!  This 1.5-hour workshop is designed for individuals interested in improving their existing resume or building a new resume.  Staff will be on-hand throughout …