Tag: Ottawa

Take-Out Series: Google Basics Workshop (VIRTUAL)

Have you ever wondered how you can use Google to further your job search or your career? Do you need help learning how to set up a professional Google account for your job search and networking? 

 Join us for a workshop that explains why you should use Google and what kinds of apps are available. You will get a step-by-step overview to set up a Google user account that highlights strategies to optimize your job search, assist with time management, and help you stay organized in your professional life and beyond.

Take-Out Series: Google Basics Workshop (VIRTUAL)

Have you ever wondered how you can use Google to further your job search or your career? Do you need help learning how to set up a professional Google account for your job search and networking? 

 Join us for a workshop that explains why you should use Google and what kinds of apps are available. You will get a step-by-step overview to set up a Google user account that highlights strategies to optimize your job search, assist with time management, and help you stay organized in your professional life and beyond.

WorkReady: Time Management & Punctuality Workshop (VIRTUAL)

This VIRTUAL workshop will help you understand and use the skills of time management and punctuality. You’ll learn about the importance of regular attendance, completing tasks on time, and staying focused and productive while you’re on the job. We will also address common barriers to good time management and punctuality, then share strategies to overcome these barriers and build positive time management habits that work for you. We hope you will join us for this interactive workshop and evolve your skill set.

WorkReady: Time Management & Punctuality Workshop (VIRTUAL)

WorkReady is an employability skills workshop series designed to teach the top skills employers are looking for in today’s job market, and how to build and leverage those skills to strengthen your status as a job candidate!

This VIRTUAL workshop will help you understand and use the skills of time management and punctuality. You’ll learn about the importance of regular attendance, completing tasks on time, and staying focused and productive while you’re on the job. We will also address common barriers to good time management and punctuality, then share strategies to overcome these barriers and build positive time management habits that work for you. We hope you will join us for this interactive workshop and evolve your skill set.

WorkReady: Time Management & Punctuality Workshop (VIRTUAL)

This VIRTUAL workshop will help you understand and use the skills of time management and punctuality. You’ll learn about the importance of regular attendance, completing tasks on time, and staying focused and productive while you’re on the job. We will also address common barriers to good time management and punctuality, then share strategies to overcome these barriers and build positive time management habits that work for you. We hope you will join us for this interactive workshop and evolve your skill set.

WORKREADY: Adaptability

In this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …

Intro to Resume

Take your resume to the next level!  This 1.5-hour workshop is designed for individuals interested in improving their existing resume or building a new resume.  Staff will be on-hand throughout …


The job search process can be stressful, and for some people, it can affect their confidence and self-esteem. This workshop will introduce the concept of self-esteem and why it’s important …

Intro to Resume in Spanish

¿Cuentas con una Hoja Laboral o Curriculum vitae?  En muchas ocasiones creemos que no necesitamos realizar dicho documento.  Sin embargo, en este país puede ser indispensable para poder obtener mejores …

Intro to Resume

Take your resume to the next level!  This 1.5-hour workshop is designed for individuals interested in improving their existing resume or building a new resume.  Staff will be on-hand throughout …