To find the jobs you want, simply select your desired industry from the menu below, then filter by qualities like wage or credential or search using the designated box. Plus, read the key below the HotJobs! table for more information.

Construction & Energy
Health Sciences
Information Technology
Professional & Administration


Checkmark Icon Occupations that meet the criteria for West Michigan Works! training scholarships.

🔥🔥🔥: Level of interest or demand present by employers

SOC Title: Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) title used to classify workers for the purpose of collecting, calculating or disseminating data. The titles in this report represent one or more detailed occupations; in some cases occupations with similar job duties, skills, education and training are grouped together.

Job Title: Local in-demand jobs that fall within the Standard Occupational Classification. These are the job titles used by West Michigan employers; job seekers can use the titles as a guide when searching for specific jobs.

Median Wage: Median wages tend to align with an employee that is mid-career, not entry level.

Recommended Credential: Training or preparation that local employers prefer that job seekers possess prior to employment in the field.

OJT (On-the-job training): Training or preparation received while working to learn the skills needed for that occupation (short-term: 1 month or less, moderate-term: between 1-12 months, long-term: more than 12 months).

Not sure which role is right for you? Explore our career guides.




Data collection

Occupational data was obtained from from the analytical program, Lightcast and the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget. Data and employer feedback were used to determine the industry focus for our region: manufacturing, health sciences, information technology, construction and energy, professional services and agribusiness.

Criteria for inclusion

Occupations on the Hot Jobs List must show a growth rate of at least 10 percent growth (higher than state and region averages); at least 50 annual openings; and wages at or above $14.30. The list was presented to West Michigan Works! staff and employers within the region’s industry talent councils for anecdotal feedback and insight into hiring needs.
