Occupations that meet the criteria for West Michigan Works! training scholarships.
🔥🔥🔥: Level of interest or demand present by employers
SOC Title: Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) title used to classify workers for the purpose of collecting, calculating or disseminating data. The titles in this report represent one or more detailed occupations; in some cases occupations with similar job duties, skills, education and training are grouped together.
Job Title: Local in-demand jobs that fall within the Standard Occupational Classification. These are the job titles used by West Michigan employers; job seekers can use the titles as a guide when searching for specific jobs.
Median Wage: Median wages tend to align with an employee that is mid-career, not entry level.
Recommended Credential: Training or preparation that local employers prefer that job seekers possess prior to employment in the field.
OJT (On-the-job training): Training or preparation received while working to learn the skills needed for that occupation (short-term: 1 month or less, moderate-term: between 1-12 months, long-term: more than 12 months).