Whether you are looking to sharpen your interview skills or meet an employer who is hiring, we have options for you! Our free workshops in the calendar below are available to help you at any stage of the job search and hiring process. Plus, our weekly hot jobs and monthly virtual hiring events connect you with employers who are hiring.
In-person Workshops
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Virtual Workshops
Search for virtual workshops by using the Event Type filter below. No need to select a Series filter by county. Virtual workshops are not sorted by county.
Resume Writing in Spanish
West Michigan Works! in Ottawa County 12331 James St Ste 130, Holland¿Cuentas con una Hoja Laboral o Curriculum vitae? En muchas ocasiones creemos que no necesitamos realizar dicho documento. Sin embargo, en este país puede ser indispensable para poder obtener mejores …
Resume Writing
West Michigan Works! in Muskegon County 316 Morris Ave, MuskegonResume Writing Learn the content and proper format of a resume. Participants will be provided with templates and resources to begin writing modern resumes, tailored to their specific needs. Staff …
Problem Solving Workshop (Virtual)
Problem-solving is a process that includes identifying a problem, analyzing available information, generating possible solutions, and ultimately implementing the best solution to resolve the issue. In this workshop, you will explore what it means to think critically about complex situations, learn ways to analyze issues from multiple perspectives, and use innovation to drive problem-solving.
Resume Lab
West Michigan Works! in Ionia County 603 W. Adams St., IoniaBring us your sloppy copy, your rough draft, your outdated resume! We are here to help. Whether you need to sharpen the format or the content, this lab-style setting offers …
Computer Literacy Lab
West Michigan Works! in Kent County - Grand Rapids SE Service Center 121 Martin Luther King Jr. St. SE, Grand RapidsIntimidated by computers? Wanting to take the next step in your career but lacking certain technology skills? This one-hour open lab covers basic computing needs to make your time online …
Interviewing Skills in Spanish
West Michigan Works! in Ottawa County 12331 James St Ste 130, Holland¡Todo lo que necesitas saber antes de la entrevista! Aprenda consejos para entrevistas y cómo responder una variedad de preguntas. Desarrolle las habilidades y la confianza para tener éxito, sin …
Cover Letter Writing
West Michigan Works! in Muskegon County 316 Morris Ave, MuskegonCover Letter Writing Create a good first impression with an effective cover letter! Learn layout and format guidelines as well as content suggestions. Participants will be provided with templates and …
Time Management Workshop (VIRTUAL)
Virtual Virtual, West MichiganThis workshop will help you understand and use the skills of time management and punctuality. You’ll learn about the importance of regular attendance, completing tasks on time, and staying focused and productive while you’re on the job. We will address common barriers to good time management and punctuality, then share strategies to overcome these barriers and build positive time management habits that work for you. We hope you will join us for this interactive workshop and evolve your skill set.
Computer Literacy
West Michigan Works! in Ottawa County 12331 James St Ste 130, HollandIntimidated by computers? Unfamiliar with how to use email or the internet? This open lab covers basic computing needs and make your computer time more productive and enjoyable. Self-guided learning …
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