Whether you are looking to sharpen your interview skills or meet an employer who is hiring, we have options for you! Our free workshops in the calendar below are available to help you at any stage of the job search and hiring process. Plus, our weekly hot jobs and monthly virtual hiring events connect you with employers who are hiring.
In-person Workshops
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Virtual Workshops
Search for virtual workshops by using the Event Type filter below. No need to select a Series filter by county. Virtual workshops are not sorted by county.
WorkREADY: Decisiveness (Virtual)
Decisiveness is the ability to make confident and timely decisions, even in challenging situations. In this workshop, you will explore traits that make people decisive, learn ways to manage the …
Job Searching Techniques
West Michigan Works! in Muskegon County 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, MI, USJob searching in today’s world should be an intentional practice that aligns with you and your goals. This workshop explores modern strategies that build personalized job search plans based on …
West Michigan Works! in Montcalm County 114 S Greenville West Dr, Greenville, MI, USThis workshop will focus on action-oriented goal setting and will offer strategies to help you set and reach your goals, including an in depth look at the SMART goal setting …
WorkREADY: Self-Management
West Michigan Works! in Muskegon County 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, MI, USThis employability skills series focuses on helping job seekers and employees identify and build the skills most needed across all levels and areas of today's workforce. We have done the …
Resume Writing
West Michigan Works! in Montcalm County 114 S Greenville West Dr, Greenville, MI, USLearn the content and proper format of a resume. Participants will be provided with templates and resources to begin writing modern resumes, tailored to their specific needs. Staff will offer …
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