Whether you are looking to sharpen your interview skills or meet an employer who is hiring, we have options for you! Our free workshops in the calendar below are available to help you at any stage of the job search and hiring process. Plus, our weekly hot jobs and monthly virtual hiring events connect you with employers who are hiring.
In-person Workshops
Search for in-person workshops in your county by using the County filter below.
Virtual Workshops
Search for virtual workshops by using the Event Type filter below. No need to select a Series filter by county. Virtual workshops are not sorted by county.
WorkReady: Decisiveness Workshop (Virtual)
Virtual Virtual, West MichiganWorkReady is an employability skills workshop series designed to teach the top skills employers are looking for in today's job market, and how to build and leverage those skills to strengthen your status as a job candidate!
In this VIRTUAL workshop, we will explore the qualities of a decisive person: not being afraid to make mistakes; considering how decisions affect others; making small decisions by themselves, but knows when to lean on others for bigger decisions; uses available information to make decisions; and reflects after a decision has been made. Common barriers to decision-making will be address with strategies to assist in making decisions with confidence. We hope you will join us for this interactive workshop and evolve your skill set.
WorkReady: Reasoning
West Michigan Works! in Barry County 130 E State St, Hastings, MI, USIn this employability skills series, you will focus on building the skills employers are looking for in their employees and job applicants. This workshop series can help you stand out …
Job Searching With a Criminal Background
West Michigan Works! in Kent County - Grand Rapids NW Service Center 215 Straight Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MIThis workshop provides helpful information about background checks and job search strategies for someone with a criminal background. You will learn how to navigate applications and how to answer specific interview questions regarding your criminal background. You will also get information about programs and resources that may be able to assist you with your job search efforts.
Job Searching Techniques
Whether you are looking for your first job, or it’s been a few years since you last looked for employment or need tips on a cover letter this is the …
Introduction to Interviewing
West Michigan Works! in Muskegon County 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, MI, USThis workshop provides interview techniques including preparation, follow-up and how to answer difficult questions. You will also get tips on appearance, non-verbal communication skills and more to help you ace …
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