Whether you are looking to sharpen your interview skills or meet an employer who is hiring, we have options for you! Our free workshops in the calendar below are available to help you at any stage of the job search and hiring process. Plus, our weekly hot jobs and monthly virtual hiring events connect you with employers who are hiring.
In-person Workshops
Search for in-person workshops in your county by using the County filter below.
Virtual Workshops
Search for virtual workshops by using the Event Type filter below. No need to select a Series filter by county. Virtual workshops are not sorted by county.
Intro to Interviewing in Spanish (Virtual)
Este taller proporciona técnicas de entrevista que incluyen preparación, seguimiento y cómo responder preguntas difíciles. También recibirás consejos sobre apariencia, habilidades de comunicación no verbal y más herramientas para ayudarte …
Introduction to Interviewing
West Michigan Works! in Kent County - Grand Rapids NW Service Center 215 Straight Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MIThis workshop provides interview techniques including preparation, follow-up and how to answer difficult questions. You will also get tips on appearance, non-verbal communication skills and more to help you ace …
Leadership Styles Workshop (Virtual)
Virtual Virtual, West MichiganYou don’t have to be a manager to be a leader. You might be asked in an interview what your leadership style is; be prepared to answer that question. This VIRTUAL workshop will discuss the six different leadership styles by Daniel Goleman and will help you determine what style of leader you are.
Goal Setting
West Michigan Works! in Allegan County - Allegan Service Center 3255 122nd Ave, Allegan, MI, USThis workshop will focus on action-oriented goal setting and will offer strategies to help you set and reach your goals, including an in-depth look at the SMART goal setting technique. …
Introduction to Resume Writing (Virtual)
Virtual Virtual, West MichiganTake your resume to the next level! This VIRTUAL workshop is designed for individuals interested in learning how to create a resume or improve their existing resume.
We recommend you log in at least five minutes before the scheduled workshop start time so you are ready to go when the workshop begins. Late participants will not be allowed to join the meeting.
*It is highly recommended to have your resume available in a digital format (mitalent, flash drive, email) for access during and after the workshop. A hard copy may be useful for you to reference during the workshop.
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